All posts in Notes

Popsicolor 1.0—By the Numbers

I’ve been putting off this post until Popsicolor 2.0 shipped; version 1.0 was developed so quickly and minimally that it may have required a leap of faith for some users. I wanted to make sure I could pay back the feature debt I owed them by shipping a free update that lived up to the potential that inspired them to buy the first version. Popsicolor 2.0 shipped in December, 2012 and has been well received. Thank You for your support!

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Why I Code

A former colleague, Tania Fuentez, has posted an article on her journalism site that looks at the advantages of young people acquiring technology skills. I was asked if I could provide some thoughts for the article on the importance of learning these skills. I have cleaned them up a bit and reposted them here.

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What Makes an App Successful?

Over the past year, I’ve developed a brief list of the essential qualities that I think make an iOS app successful. Much of it might also apply to “product development” in general, but it is based on my experience as both as an App Store customer and iOS app developer selling in the iTunes App Store. I was able to leave my salaried full-time job in 2011 and have been supporting myself by developing and releasing my own apps.

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Why Doesn’t Every iOS Photo App Support High-Resolution Output?

This content first appeared as a forum post on I am maintaing a copy on for periodic updating. Head to for discussion of this topic!


“Full resolution” support in photo apps is an active topic with iPhoneographer’s. I’m starting this thread so developers and users can talk about why it’s wanted, developers can talk about why it’s not always possible, or—oops—why they thought it wasn’t important!

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