All posts in Generative

Sun Shader

This is an experiment using SpriteKit; it is a single OpenGL shader running on one sprite.

This is not intended to be a realistic sun (with magnetic field lines, etc.) but rather, a sun with expressive flames or filaments. There are a large number of parameters that affect all sorts of elements, such as filament size, chaos amount, etc. Video captured from iPod touch 5G.

Clouds, Animated

This is an animated version of a Processing 1.0 sketch I made a few years ago:

The simple shapes of the clouds are inspired by early 20th century pen & ink illustrations of puffy cumulus clouds. The animation is a byproduct of how the clouds are created.


Treble—introduced in version 2.0; Hero shot

Percolator combines unique visual effects processing with a beautiful, retro, coffee-themed user interface (UI) and refined user experience (UX) design. The mosaic technology used in Percolator is based on a proprietary circle packing algorithm.

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I revisited a project written in 2001 and completely rewrote it using Processing.

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Inspired by illustrated children’s science books from the 1950s and Bruno Munari’s Drawing the Sun. Written in Processing.

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