All posts in Tools

Timeline Software

I created a cross-platform timeline component for BlackBack Technologies Mac and iOS forensic analysis tool, BlackLight.

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TableToTree 1.1

TableToTree is a simple tool designed to solve a common data workflow problem: you have a spreadsheet of data that need to convert to an XML file as a data tree, i.e., for use in web programming.

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Herman Miller Materials Program Automation

In April, 2009, Herman Miller launched the Herman Miller Materials Program, a collection of over 1,600 materials organized in 16 volumes. The Materials Program was developed by Michael McGinn Design Office (MMDO).

Working with MMDO over a period of several months in 2008, I created a desktop application to automate the production of the thousands of printer mechanicals and review and sign-off sheets that were used to support the efficient print production of the volumes.

Swatch layout uses Kohonen self-organizing maps (SOM).

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GIS Tools

For the AP print and online coverage of data sets tied to US geography, I wrote several tools for working with GIS data. These tools were used to create maps for election and economy coverage.

Unemployment interactive created by the AP DC bureau.

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AP Graphics Workflow and Automation Server

Stagedoor is the AP Graphics workflow and automation server software.

Watch folder configuration is done by drag-and-drop.

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Geolocation Database

I’ve developed several database tools at the AP. In this project, I built a tool to aid reporters in geolocating the hometowns of US military personal killed in action in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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