All posts by John Balestrieri

Sun Shader

This is an experiment using SpriteKit; it is a single OpenGL shader running on one sprite.

This is not intended to be a realistic sun (with magnetic field lines, etc.) but rather, a sun with expressive flames or filaments. There are a large number of parameters that affect all sorts of elements, such as filament size, chaos amount, etc. Video captured from iPod touch 5G.

Waterlogue Icon

Created in Illustrator and Photoshop.

Several other concepts (notebooks, water drops, paint brushes, camera lenses) were taken to a finished state. These other icons communicated the function and sophistication of Waterlogue, but only the whale elicited a strong, positive emotional response from people.

DrizzlePad 98 @512 White

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Clouds, Animated

This is an animated version of a Processing 1.0 sketch I made a few years ago:

The simple shapes of the clouds are inspired by early 20th century pen & ink illustrations of puffy cumulus clouds. The animation is a byproduct of how the clouds are created.

Why I Code

A former colleague, Tania Fuentez, has posted an article on her journalism site that looks at the advantages of young people acquiring technology skills. I was asked if I could provide some thoughts for the article on the importance of learning these skills. I have cleaned them up a bit and reposted them here.

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I revisited a project written in 2001 and completely rewrote it using Processing.

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Inspired by illustrated children’s science books from the 1950s and Bruno Munari’s Drawing the Sun. Written in Processing.

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Produced while beta testing Cinema 4D’s Sketch & Toon Plug-in. Used for promotional purposes by MAXON Computer GmbH.

Owl and the Pusscat

Low-polygon 3d illustration for Edward Lear’s nonsense poem, The Owl and the Pussycat.

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This is another test to see whether or not it is possible to quickly model, pose and render an expressive 3D character for children’s books illustration.

I have used a low resolution mesh to speed modeling and to make the silhouette more decisive. The shading material works with the low resolution mesh to loosely model the surface. Finally, an outline was rendered with the image to make the edges clearer.

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This is a test to see whether or not it is possible to quickly model, pose and render an expressive 3D character for children’s books illustration.

I have used a low resolution mesh to give the silhouette an angular finish. I have chosen shaders that gave a soft, modeled appearance to the hare while at the same time enhanced the silhouette with rim highlighting.

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2004 Election Graphics Software

For the 2004 US Democratic primaries and November general election, the AP needed to provide thousands of their member newspapers with print media graphics coverage of national and state results for the presidential, congressional, and senatorial races. AP contracted for my services to come up with a way to quickly and reliably create these graphics based on large data sets.

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3D homage to the rendering style of Chris Van Allsburg.