SuperGraphics is capable of some very complex output, particularly when used with SVG templates.
Case Study: AP Elections
To produce the PDFs below, a Real Studio application read in templates, processed election results, modified existing elements and generated new graphic elements, then output PDF files.
For more information about the election graphics projects:
Case Study: Herman Miller Materials Program
A templating system using SuperGraphics was used to automate the thousands of printer’s mechanicals needed for the Herman Miller Materials Program.
More information on this project can be found here:
Case Study: GIS Conversion Tools
A software utility was written to read ESRI GIS Shapefiles and convert them to SVG. After the GIS data was read in, an SuperGraphics DOM object was created and populated with polygon data. The SuperGraphics DOM was further manipulated to reduce polygon complexity. Finally, DOM objects were tagged with metadata when SVG files were exported.
More information on this project can be found here:
Output Test
This is output from the demo project included with SuperGraphics.

CoreGraphics output from SuperGraphics. Note: CoreGraphics gradients have not been implemented yet (the upper-right 2 rows of rectangles)
The same set of commands can create an SVG file that can be opened in Adobe Illustrator:

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